Develop RSS Reader App with Unity UI Components

  • 4.0
  • (1+ reviews)


Unity is one of the most popular cross platform development tool currently in the market. From game development to various AR/VR app, its usage lies beyond imagination.

Still there are some technical aspects with respect to Unity UI which is missing on the internet. Thus I had made this course for you understand how to integrate several external aspects with the Unity using C#.

In this course you are going to learn how to develop a RSS Reader App with Unity UI Components.

While developing this app you are going to use many of the Unity UI components, thus mastering your skills of Non Gaming App Developments with Unity.

While developing the game you will be using various components and api thus getting a feel of a real world applications.

Also you will be writing a class to parse the xml of the rss feed in this project. So you will be improving your C# and XML Parsing skills in this project.

I will be your instructor for the course, I have developed around 100+ apps across 9 different platforms spanning around 15 years.

I have also taught around 50000 students globally how to develop apps.

So Join this new revolution with me and Unity.

See you inside the course.

Course Info

Created by Neeraj Jaiswal
1 hour on-demand video
14 lectures
528+ students enrolled
4.0 rating from 1+ reviews
English language
Created on May 19, 2018
Category: Development


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