All you need to know about oil painting - preparatory course

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Most of you would have had this experience of buying or signing up for awesome art courses and then wondered why to buy so many materials and what to do with them.

If you are one of those art enthusiasts who has either bought too many materials or skeptical about buying such materials, then you have arrived at the right place

As an art lover, I have invested in various brands of oil paints and materials. I am sharing my experiences in this less than 2 hour session, so you are able to

make the right decisions when it comes to buying art materials

find out how to reuse your existing art supplies to the best

make a calculated decision on why you may have to buy certain high quality products

Pursuing art is a soul-fullfilling journey. However, we also need the appropriate materials and have a basic understanding of why to buy, when to buy and what to buy, so we feel comfortable throughout this beautiful art journey

I have seen good artists give up, because the materials aren't helping them create what they want to. I have also seen great artwork go for a waste because of inappropriate use of materials. Hence, I was motivated to create these sessions for FREE, so you don't miss out on enjoying your art journey and your artwork gets well-appreciated.

Do write to me, if you have any specific art-material related issues, and I will try to make further videos specifically covering such issues

Course Info

Created by Gomathi Siva Sankaran
1 hour on-demand video
5 lectures
355+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
English language
Created on October 28, 2022
Category: Lifestyle
Subcategory: Arts & Crafts


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