Akbar & Birbal stories - அக்பர் & பீர்பால் கதைகள் (தமிழில்)

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In this course, you can listen to various moral stories from 'Akbar- birbal stories collection'. Parents can make use of this course to teach their children moral values through stories. All the stories are taught in Tamil. Listening to these stories will improve your child's intelligence and wit. You can just make your children to listen to these stories without much effort. All children like to listen to stories. Listening to audio stories enhances children's imagination.

we are planning to cover all the stories related to Akbar-birbal.

In the past, Akbar was a mughal emperor who ruled India and Birbal was his courtier. These stories revolve around the intelligence and wit showed by Birbal during his tenure as courtier in Akbar's kingdom. It explains how he solved the kingdom's problems using his wit and how it impacted the prosperity of his state. Birbal helped his king in taking major decisions related to administration and it helped the king in many ways. Other courtiers were jealous of Birbal and these stories explain how Birbal overcame those problem as well.

Lesson 1 : Introduction - A brief introduction about Birbal stories

Lesson 2 : Stupid Thief - Explains how the thief was caught amidst tough circumstances.

Lesson 3 : The correct word - Explains how the astrologer escaped from his client's anger

Lesson 4 : கண் இல்லாதவர்கள்

Lesson 5 : துறவியான கிளி

Lesson 6 : பெரிய முட்டாள்

Lesson 7 : யாருடைய குதிரை

Lesson 8 : தாடியை இழுத்தவன்

Lesson 9 : கழுதைக்கு தெரியாது

Lesson 10 : முடியாத கதை

Lesson 11 : சந்தேகம்

Lesson 12 : பாதிக்கு பாதி

Lesson 13 : மருமகனை தூக்கில் இடுங்கள்

Lesson 14 : கேள்வியும் பதிலும்

Lesson 15 : உள்ள கிடக்கை

Lesson 16 : மாமரம்

Lesson 17 : பாவம் கழுதை

Lesson 18 : பன்மொழி புலவர்

Upto Lesson 18. Check course curriculum for more details.

Course Info

Created by Radha Bai
1 hour on-demand video
25 lectures
33+ students enrolled
0.0 rating from 0+ reviews
Tamil language
Created on August 04, 2020
Subcategory: Humanities


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