Advanced Programmatic Course (Publisher Oriented) 2023

  • 5.0
  • (1+ reviews)


In this first part of the course (Part One: Fundamentals) you will be able to understand the basic concepts of digital advertising. The course covers quite extensively the most important concepts to be able to advance in the following more advanced courses. Through explanatory videos you will be able to understand complex concepts and paint in your head the complete flowchart of programmatic advertising. Through 20 videos you will be able to understand what this type of advertising consists of and how it is executed. The structure of this course is as follows:

-Digital Basics & Concepts.

-What is programmatic advertising?

-What is an Ad Server?

-First Call to the Ad Server.

- Type of transactions.

-SPO (Supply Path Optimization)

- Page views vs Impressions Ratio.

- Metrics Intro.

- Metrics Part One.

- Metrics Part two.

- Concepts Part One.

- Concepts Part two.


- Ad Quality.

- Data Management Platform (DMP).

- What is a Cookie?

- Cookie Syncing.

- Bid Request vs Ad request.

- A/B Testing.

Once you finish this course you will be able to see the whole picture more clearly and all the pieces of the puzzle will fit together. I hope you enjoy the course and that it meets your expectations. Once you finish this course you will be able to see the whole picture more clearly and all the pieces of the puzzle will fit together. I hope you enjoy the course and that it meets your expectations.

Course Info

Created by Michael M. Johnson
54 minutes on-demand video
21 lectures
717+ students enrolled
5.0 rating from 1+ reviews
English language
Created on July 31, 2022
Category: Marketing
Subcategory: Paid Advertising


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