Why you should enroll for this course?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going to be a core component of traditional applications.
Microsoft Cognitive Service APIs like LUIS API enables developers to build custom machine learning language model.
Artificial Intelligence in the form of Cognitive APIs like Language Understanding Intelligent Service (Natural Language Processing - NLP ) enables application to process natural language.
AI powered Chatbot with natural language processing capabilities will dominate traditional web and mobile app.
Microsoft Cognitive Service APIs like LUIS API is product of Artificial Intelligence, created using Machine Learning specially by Active Learning (Semi-Supervised Learning - SSL).
For details, please watch the video on “Why this course is important to add Artificial Intelligence in application”.
Course Includes:
Briefly introduced:
LUIS Basic concept:
Every concept of LUIS building block is explained with real-world example and hands on coding supported by extensive code walk-through
Design the custom LUIS model
Designing of custom LUIS model includes every concept and building block of LUIS with a real world use case.
Build the custom LUIS model
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