7 Day Home Yoga Strength Retreat

  • 4.6
  • (275+ reviews)


  • 7 Days of High Quality Video Content in 7 Structured Lesson + Bonus Lesson
  • Various Exercises for Legs, Upper Body and Core that Will Help You Build Strength in Your Whole Body
  • Various Exercises for Increasing Flexibility in Your Upper Body, Legs and Yin Flexibility
  • Guided Meditations and Techniques that Will Help You to Release from Stress
  • Breathing Technique Exercises to Help You With More Challenging Exercises and Poses
  • Classical & Ashtanga Style Sun Salutations
  • Active Discussion Boards and Direct Feedback for Your Results

    Course Info

    Created by Passion.io Online Courses
    4 hours on-demand video
    9 lectures
    18,159+ students enrolled
    4.6 rating from 275+ reviews
    English language
    Created on November 28, 2016
    Subcategory: Yoga


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