20 Step Introduction to the Filipino Martial Arts (Escrima)

  • 4.5
  • (414+ reviews)


The Filipino martial arts are known by the names Kali, Escrima and Arnis.  Most people think of it as "That Stick Fighting Art" , but it is much more.  The Filipino martial arts are a complete system encompassing Hands, Feet, Weapons and Joint Locking.  Many police and military around the world are now learning these arts are due to the effectiveness of the techniques.

The course teaches the following:


  • FMA History

  • The Salute or Bow

  • Warm-ups and Stretching


  • Forward Angle STepping

  • Reverse Angle Stepping

  • Six point Stepping


  • The Jab

  • The Cross

  • The Hook

  • The Uppercut

  • Hand Speed Drills


  • Front Kick

  • Side Kick

  • Thai or Shin Kick

Street Defensive Tactics

  • Front Choke

  • Rear Choke - part 1

  • Rear Choke - part 2

Ground Fighting

  • Ground Fighting #1 - Guard, Mount, Side Mount

  • Ground Fighting #2 - The Reality of the Street

  • Ground Fighting #3 - Maneuvering in the Guard

Single Stick

  • Warm-ups for the Stick

  • Nine Angles of Attack

  • Long Range Blocking


  • Curriculum

  • Certificate of Completion

"If you want to learn to fight go somewhere else.....If you want to learn to survive, join us."

Course Info

Created by David Seiwert
1 hour on-demand video
29 lectures
10,199+ students enrolled
4.5 rating from 414+ reviews
English language
Created on January 19, 2018


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